Soft Tissue Management: Before, During, and After Restorative Therapy
Presenter: Dr. Bob Lowe
Release Date: 11/23/21
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 11/23/28
AGD Subject Code: 490
Reviewed: 2025
Management of the gingival tissues before, during, and after restorative procedures has a profound effect on the long-term success of a case. Since many dental materials include a resin-based component in the procedure (adhesive, composite, or cement), it is imperative that the gingival tissues be healthy throughout the oral rehabilitation process. Once completed, proper home care regimens are required daily as well as regular recare visits to maintain functional health. This CE webinar will discuss and demonstrate materials and techniques to manage soft tissues during and after treatment to ensure your patient the best chance for an optimal restorative result.
During this CE webinar, the participant will learn: • How to gain control of gingival health through biologic provisionalization • Tissue management techniques to make precise master impressions – conventional and digital • How new homecare technologies can help your patient’s compliance which will elevate periodontal health and long term restorative success.
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